Export cargo and loading operations
In the past months we have had many ships calling Brazil to discharge. Most of these ships also loaded from Brazil, back to China. The ships regularly load woodlogs but for Mv. Huanghai Pioneer, SeaWorks concluded in close cooperation with Steinweg, 15,000mts of bulk.
The cargoes were loaded at Vitoria and Rio de Janeiro for China where the commodity is used in production of batteries, amongs others.
The cargoes were swiftly loaded by grabs and the operation was smooth, with caution for the environment (avoiding dust). After quick operations in Vitoria, the ship loaded in Rio de Janeiro and started her journey to the Far East.
SeaWorks do Brasil coordinated the operations at loadports and together with the agents no time delay was realized.
SeaWorks is the general agent for Hong Fa shipping and coordinate all operations for loading and discharging as well as commercial bookings in South America and Europe.
Hong Fa Shipping offers monthly services between Far Eastern ports and East Coast South America.
Whenever you have any enquiry for project, breakbulk or bulk cargoes from Far East or to the Far East, please donot hesitate to ask our assistance in order to provide you with a sharp and professional proposal.
SeaWorks offers tailormade transport services and can assist you also in contractual questions.