Mv. Xiongan discharging at Salvador, Brazil
After a long journey by sea from China to Brazil, Mv. Xiongan called the port of Salvador, Bahia. Vessel had to discharge a cargo of 2,500mts of sodium-sulphite and grinding-balls in big bags plus almost 4,000mtons of breakbulk and project cargo. This included large tubes for the extension of the factory of Messrs. Magnesita. The operation was well coordinated by Luiz Schreiter of SeaWorks do Brazil together with our local partner, Messrs. Marinav. Despite that the weather in Bahia was unfavorable, heavy rain came down during in the State of Bahia, the operations went all together smoothly.
We are glad to have performed another smooth shipment and discharge at Salvador and look forward to serve our clients on the next sailing. SeaWorks offers monthly sailings from Far East and South East Asia to East Coast South America with modern, boxshaped, openhatch tonnage with heavy lift capacity upto 420mtons.
Just hit the contact button and we shall be happy to assist you with your cargo, enquiries and contractual questions.