


Congestions and Delays!

You may have already heard or read about it but the US government will implement a measure based upon fines with the idea to move goods faster through ports. Below you will read the text. Presumably, after reading it, it leaves with you, also,  the impression that an income is generated but no solution for the dispatch of goods is realized. So the bill will go to the cargo owner consequently to the end users. It seems,

nowadays, that governments are implementing rules and terms which show the public that governments are taking ‘action’. However, this is all for the show, it seems. They donot solve the underlying issues which basically comes down too little investments in infrastructure, schooling of professional drivers, port operators and the likes. Not only in the USA but also in other countries around the world. We, as logistic and transport companies, should address these issues, one way or the other. The world industry depends on a smooth and constant, reliable logistic chains. Governments should clearly realize and recognize this too. Donot impose fines but invite the logisticians to work out together a solution!

Effective November 1, 2021, an emergency congestion fee will be implemented for all long-dwelling cargo container units at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The White House announced the fee on October 25. It will be applied to all container yard, local haulage, and off-dock rail containers that remain at the terminal for nine days or more and on-dock rail containers that remain at the terminal for three days or more.


The fee is USD100 per unit on the first day past the dwelling limit for both terminal and rail. The fee will increase by USD100 for each day that follows. This fee is separate and unrelated to already filed demurrage free time and charges. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have been tasked with collecting these dues.

Let us ventilate our opinion with our local governments and that an open, level playing fields are created worldwide.
